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We will be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices
We will each report on our activities and progress towards implementing the Principles
We will incorporate ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes
We will promote acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry
We will seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which we invest
We will work together to enhance our effectiveness in implementing the Principles
Website accessibility
What about my National Insurance contributions?
What about my National Insurance contributions?
What about my other non-LGPS pensions?
What are the HM Revenue and Customs tax controls on my LGPS benefits?
What benefits will be paid if I die in service?
What conditions need to be met for an eligible cohabiting partner’s survivor’s pension to be payable?
What counts towards membership in the Scheme before 1 April 2014?
What does my election for 50/50 need to include?
What does my employer pay if I'm in the 50/50 section?
What does my employer pay?
What does the council pay?
What happens if I am on reserve forces service leave?
What happens if I die after retiring on pension?
What happens if I die after retiring on pension?
What happens if I die in service and elected before 1 April 2008 to buy LGPS added years of membership?
What happens if I die in service and elected before 1 April 2014 to buy extra cohabiting partner survivor benefits?
What happens if I die in service and elected before 1 April 2014 to pay Additional Regular Contributions (ARCs)?
What happens if I die in service and was paying Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) arranged through the LGPS (in-house AVCs)?
What happens if I die in service and was paying, or have paid, additional contributions to buy extra LGPS pension by paying Additional Pension Contributions (APCs) or Shared Cost Additional Pension Contributions (SCAPCs)?
What happens if I die in service?
What happens if my job is transferred to a private contractor?
What happens to my deferred benefits if I change jobs but remain in the LGPS?
What happens when a pensioner dies?
What if I am made redundant?
What if I am paying extra contributions?
What if I am paying extra contributions?
What if I am paying extra?
What if I carry on in office after age 65?
What if I have to retire on grounds of ill health?
What if I have two or more LGPS jobs and leave some but not all of them?
What increase is applied to my benefits built up before 1 April 2014 if I draw them after age 65?
What is a PDF?
What is a pension?
What is my Normal Pension Age?
What is the 'carry forward'?
What is the MyPension service?
What options do I have when I draw my benefits?
What personal data do we hold, and how do we obtain it?
What reductions are applied to my benefits if I draw them before my protected Normal Pension Age?
What should I do if I think I might be affected?
What survivor benefits will be paid if I die in service?
What to think about
What will happen to my benefits if I choose to defer them?
What will the Local Pension Board do?
When can I draw my deferred benefits if I left the LGPS before 1 April 2014?
When can I draw my deferred benefits if I left the LGPS on or after 1 April 2014?
When can I draw my deferred benefits?
When can I draw my LGPS benefits?
When can I draw my LGPS benefits?
When can I retire?
Who can elect for 50/50?
Who can help me if I have a query or complaint?
Why can't I view my 2020 Active Members' Annual Benefit Statement?
Why can't I view my 2023 Active Members' Annual Benefit Statement?
Why can't I view my 2024 Active Members' Annual Benefit Statement?
Will my pension be increased?
Will my pension be reduced if I voluntarily retire before my Normal Pension Age?
Wirral Council Pension Board
Working after retirement
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