Notifying us of a change of address

Whether you are still a contributing member of the Scheme, or you have deferred your pension, we still need to know how to inform you of the value of your benefits. It is therefore very important, that you keep us informed of any change of address you might have.
If you are currently paying into the Scheme and have changed address please inform your employer if you haven’t already done so.
The Fund receives a lot of telephone calls from members wishing to inform us about a change of address. Unfortunately, for security reasons, we cannot make a change to your address from information provided over the telephone.
If you do wish to report a change of address, please can you do so in the ways described below.
Registered Users of our online service, MyPension can login and update their address by clicking 'Edit' in the 'Contact Details' section. This section is accessed by selecting 'Personal Details' from the dashboard when users log in.
‘MyPension’ is a secure online service that allows Active, Deferred and Pensioner members to view important pension information which Merseyside Pension Fund holds. In addition:
- Active, Deferred and Pensioner Members can also use MyPension to view and amend their email address and contact telephone number.
- Active and Deferred Members can use MyPension to view their latest Annual Benefit Statement.
- Deferred Members aged over 55 can use a Benefit Projector to calculate the value of their pension benefits under different circumstances.
- Pensioner Members can use MyPension to view and download monthly payslips, as well as their end of tax year P60 certificate.
If you wish to sign up for MyPension, please register here
Existing Users can login here
By Post
You can complete a change of address form which you can download here
Please send the completed form to:
Merseyside Pension Fund
Castle Chambers
43 Castle Street
L2 9SH