Working after retirement

If you are looking to re-enter employment, a very important consideration will be how such employment might affect your pension in payment.
Will my local government pension be affected if I take further employment?
No, unless you were awarded compensatory added years on leaving by your former employer and you are re-employed with an employer who participates in the LGPS.
If this happens, you must, within one month of starting that employment, notify the employer which granted the compensatory added years. Similarly you should notify the employer which granted the compensatory added years when you leave the re-employment. These notifications enable the Fund to assess whether or not the enhanced element of pension in payment should be adjusted. When your re-employment ends, a calculation is done to check whether you have exceeded the benefits that would have accrued if you had continued working to age 65 in your first employment.
If this is the case, your compensatory benefits will be permanently reduced. The reason for this permanent reduction is because you cannot potentially build pension rights in further LGPS employment if you have already been compensated for further pension membership that you might have earned. If you have any questions about re-employment, please call us on
0151 242 1390.