Protecting your Personal Data

Under the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 and from 25 May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Merseyside Pension Fund has a duty to protect the personal data it processes and to inform members about how their data is managed and used.
Your privacy is paramount to us. Merseyside Pension Fund is committed to protecting your privacy online. We will treat any personal information by which you can be identified (i.e. name, address, email address and the like) in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 and the GDPR.
We will not sell, trade or rent your information to other third parties. We will not collect any personal information via this website without your knowledge. This information will be collected for a known purpose that you understand and will not be used in future for any other reason other than the one it is being collected for in the first instance. The collection of information is for the purpose of communicating with you in regards to an online query and/or your benefiting from our online transactional services. This information is collected by you filling out an electronic form.
Members who register for our online 'MyPension' service, provide the Fund with an email address which will be used to communicate significant changes and statutory notices of the Scheme. The Fund reserves the right to maintain and utilise this email address in complying with our legal requirement to notify registered users as required.
We are committed to protecting your privacy and will keep your personal data secure (whether it is held on paper or electronically) and up to date. We never sell your information to anyone else, however, the Fund may work with partner organisations in its statutory obligation to administer the Local Government Pension Scheme as effectively as possible.