When can I draw my LGPS benefits?

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The Normal Pension Age in the LGPS is linked to your State Pension Age (but with a minimum of age 65).
You can choose to retire and draw your pension from the LGPS at any time from age 55 to 75, provided you have met the two-year vesting period in the Scheme. 
If you choose to take your pension before your Normal Pension Age it will normally be reduced, as it is being paid earlier. If you take it later than your Normal Pension Age it is increased because it is being paid later. You must draw your benefits in the LGPS before your 75th birthday.
You may have to retire at your employer’s instigation, perhaps because of redundancy, business efficiency or permanent ill health. Your LGPS benefits, even in these circumstances can, provided you have met the two-year vesting period in the Scheme, and (in the case of retirement due to redundancy or business efficiency) you are aged 55 or over, provide you with an immediate retirement pension.
If you voluntarily choose to retire before, on or after your Normal Pension Age, you can defer drawing your benefits but you must draw them before age 75. If you draw your pension after your Normal Pension Age, your benefits will be paid at an increased rate to reflect late payment.
Members who wish to know how much their pension will be at their intended retirement date, may request an estimate via their employer.
There are specific rules relating to each type of retirement: