What happens if I am on reserve forces service leave?

If you are on reserve forces service leave and elect to remain in the LGPS your pension in the Scheme will be worked out using your assumed pensionable pay.
Using your assumed pensionable pay ensures that you will continue to build up pension as if you were in work rather than on reserve forces service leave. Any pay you do receive from your employer will not have pension contributions deducted from it.
If you go on reserve forces service leave and elect to stay in the LGPS, your employer needs to tell you the amount of basic pension contributions you and the Ministry of Defence (MoD) must pay, the amount of any additional contributions you are paying in the LGPS, and the amount of assumed pensionable pay those contributions must be collected on.
You will need to pass this information on to the MoD. Your employee contributions (and any additional contributions you are paying in the LGPS) will be deducted by the MoD and paid across to the Fund together with the employer contributions due.