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Welcome to Merseyside Pension Fund

Merseyside Pension Fund provides valuable pensions and benefits to over 140,000 active, deferred and pensioner members of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS). This website provides explanation, guidance and updates reflecting the diverse needs of our membership. You can also access a comprehensive directory of information and documents relating to our role as an administering authority in the LGPS.


We have published our annual pensioners' newsletter, 'The Honeypot.

MyPension Online

LGPS members can securely view important information about their pension.

The McCloud Remedy

The LGPS rules changed from 1 October 2023 to remove the age discrimination found in the McCloud court case.

Plan your Retirement

You can look forward to a pension that is reviewed every year with the cost of living for the rest of your life.

Receiving your Pension

Find out more about when your pension is increased, tax and information about your monthly payments.

Report a change

It’s important that you contact us about important change of circumstances.