MyPension Activation Request

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Step 1 - Request activation of your MyPension Account
You can request activation of your secure, password-protected MyPension account if you:
  • currently contribute to the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) administered by Merseyside Pension Fund, or
  • have deferred benefits within the LGPS administered by Merseyside Pension Fund, or
  • receive your LGPS pension from Merseyside Pension Fund.
If you fall into one of these eligible categories, please complete the webform below.
All fields marked* on the webform must be completed. When you submit a valid webform, you will receive an immediate acknowlegement on screen.
Your request will be dealt with during Merseyside Pension Fund's normal office opening hours (9am to 4:30pm Mon-Fri).
If you enter data (e.g. Date of Birth, National Insurance Number etc.) on your webform which conflicts with the personal information that we already hold, your application will be rejected.

Step 2 - Activate your MyPension Account
Information about how to activate your MyPension account, will be sent to the 'Personal Email Address' stated on your webform, within 5 working days. If you do not receive an activation link within 5 working days, please check your email account's 'Spam' or 'Junk' folder to ensure the message was not filtered.
If you choose to register using a work email address, your employer’s firewall or virus scan may block the email containing your activation link. In these circumstances, you may need to contact your Corporate IT department and ask that emails from are added to the email whitelist (safe sender) to ensure that they are not blocked.
Please ensure that your Date of Birth is input in MM/DD/YYYY format. If this is incorrectly input your request will be rejected.
Your National Insurance Number (NINO) must be formatted correctly - two prefix letters, six digits, and one suffix letter. For Example AB123456C. Please do NOT input any spaces between each character typed.
Please input a valid Post Code. Your Post Code should be between five and seven letters/numbers. You cannot type more than 8 characters in this field.
Your activation details will be sent to this email address. It will also be used to send you important updates e.g. publication of your Annual Benefit Statement. We suggest that you use a personal email address that you will be able to access at any time. PLEASE NOTE: More than one member cannot register with the same email address.
This must be identical to the Email Address which you typed in the previous field.
We may contact you on this telephone number to discuss any problems with your activation request or subsequent registration.
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