Having problems registering for 'MyPension'?

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The following questions and answers will hopefully solve any problems you are experiencing in trying to register for 'MyPension'.


Why is the error message, 'This is not a valid National Insurance number' appearing?

When you complete the ‘National Insurance Number’ field, you must use capital letters.
This field is only 9 characters long as your National Insurance number must be formatted correctly or your entry will not be valid.
National Insurance numbers are formatted with two prefix letters, six digits, and one suffix letter, without any spaces. For Example: AB123456C.

I can't submit my ‘MyPension Activation Request’

The following fields marked* are mandatory and must be completed:
  • Title
  • Forename(s)
  • Surname field
  • Date of Birth
  • National Insurance Number (PLEASE USE CAPITAL LETTERS)
  • Home Address Line 1
  • Post Code
  • Personal Email Address
  • Personal Email Address (Please re-enter)
  • Preferred Telephone Number

I have submitted the 'MyPension Activation Request' but have not received an email to activate my account

All ‘MyPension Activation’ requests are dealt with during the Fund's normal office hours (9am to 4:30pm Mon-Fri). We should email your activation link to use 'MyPension' (also known as Member Self-Service) within 5 working days of receiving your request. 

If you don't receive an activation link within 5 working days, please check your email account's ‘Spam’ or ‘Junk’ folder to ensure the message was not filtered.

Any webforms submitted when the office is closed (i.e. weekends, Bank Holidays and over Christmas and New Year periods), will be processed as soon as possible when the office re-opens.

If you choose to register using a work email address, your employer’s firewall or virus scan may block the email containing your activation link. In these circumstances, you may need to contact your Corporate IT department and ask that emails from mypension@wirral.gov.uk are added to the email whitelist (safe sender) to ensure that they are not blocked.

You can contact the 'MyPension' Support Team on 0151 242 1392 (9am to 4:30pm Mon-Fri) or email: mypension@wirral.gov.uk to discuss your request.