Prescribed pay reductions in your last 10 years of pensionable employment

The prescribed circumstances are:
you choose to be employed by the same employer at a lower grade or responsibilty, or
for the purpose of achieving equal pay in relation to other employees at the same employer, or
as a result of a job evaluation exercise, or
because of a contractual change affecting pensionable emoluments, or
because of a restriction to future pay increases that may adversely affect final pay.
These circumstances only apply to reductions in pay after 1 April 2008. Other rules apply for reductions in pay before April 2008.
A reduction in your pensionable pay can't be considered if:
it was before the beginning of the period of 10 years ending with your last day of pensionable employment, or
it immediately follows a period during when you held a temporary post at a higher rate of pay, or
you choose to reduce your working hours or move to a lower grade job so that you could take flexible retirement.