Changing your payment details

The Fund receives a lot of telephone calls from pensioners wishing to inform us about a change of bank or building society details. Unfortunately, for security reasons, we cannot make a change to your details from information provided over the telephone.
You must report a change of bank or building society in one of the two ways described below.
Registered Users of our online service, MyPension can update their new payment details by clicking 'Edit' in the 'Bank Details' section. This section is accessed by selecting 'Personal Details' from the dashboard when users log in.
‘MyPension’ is a secure online service that allows pensioners to notify us of changes to some personal information, as well as view the amount of pension paid each month, and the figures on their end of tax year P60 certificate.
If you wish to sign up for MyPension, please register here.
Existing Users can login here
By Post
Please write to us at the address below quoting your:
Pension reference number, and
Full Name, and
Bank or building society name, and
Full Name, and
Sort Code, and
Account Number
*Please do not include the long number which appears on the front of your bank card, nor the 3-digit security code on the back.
The Fund cannot accept changes by email as an authorised signature is required for Audit purposes. Any changes should be notified before the 22nd of the month in order for the change to be implemented for the following month; otherwise the change will be implemented from the next available month following receipt of the notification.
Please write to:
Merseyside Pension Fund
Castle Chambers
43 Castle Street
L2 9SH