Deferred Members' Forms & Guides

Death Grant Expression of Wish form

This form gives you the opportunity to express your wish as to who would benefit from the payment of three years’ pay, should you die in service, or the balance of 10 years worth of your pension, should you die under age 75 but within 10 years of retiring.
 Download this form (January 2023, PDF, 2 pages, 141KB)

Survivor's Pension - Notification of your eligible Cohabiting Partner

If you are not married or part of a registered civil partnership, but currently living with a ‘partner’, you can, by completing the Cohabiting Partners Notiification for Survivor’s Pension form, name a ‘survivor’ who, in the event of your death and provided the required criteria are satisfied at the tie of your death, would be eligible to receive a Survivor’s Pension payable for life.
 Download this form (June 2022, PDF, 3 pages, 170KB)

Retirement Planning Guide

The purpose of this guide is to assist members with their retirement planning. It should not be used instead of financial advice. If you require financial advice, you should appoint an independent financial advisor.
 Download this guide (May 2024, PDF, 27 pages, 464kb)

Change of Address form

Whether you are still a contributing member of the Scheme, or you have deferred your pension, we still need to know how to inform you of the value of your benefits. It is therefore very important, that you keep us informed of any change of address you might have.
If you are currently paying into the Scheme and have changed address please inform your employer if you haven’t already done so.
  Download this form (June 2022, PDF, 1 page, 122KB)

Request a Cash Equivalent Transfer Value

If you are joining another pension arrangement, you may wish to consider transferring your Local Government Pension Scheme benefits to it. Your new pension provider will require a Cash Equivalent Transfer Value (CETV) quotation from Merseyside Pension Fund, which you need to request by completing this form.

 Download this form (January 2024, PDF, 2 pages, 75KB)

Divorce Valuation Request

You will need specific information about your LGPS benefits as part of the proceedings for a divorce, judicial separation or nullity of marriage, or for dissolution, separation or nullity of a civil partnership. You or your solicitor should contact us for this information, including an estimate of the cash equivalent value (CEV) of your pension rights. The Court will take this value into account in your settlement.

You usually get one free CEV estimate each year. Any other costs for supplying information or complying with a Court Order will be recovered from you and/or your ex-spouse or ex-civil partner in accordance with the Fund's charging policy.

 Download this form (October 2018, PDF, 1 page, 24KB)

Internal Dispute Resolution Procedure - Guide for Members

This guide provides straightforward guidance to how the internal dispute resolution procedures operate in the Local Government Pension Scheme and is provided for general information only. It does not cover every aspect. It is not an interpretation of the scheme regulations.
 Download this guide (March 2021, PDF, 15 pages, 418kb)