Website News 2021

Merseyside Pension Fund's Report & Accounts 2020/21

Merseyside Pension Fund’s 2020/2021 Annual Report and Accounts remains in a draft status whilst we await the approval of the financial statement at Audit & Risk Management Committee (ARMC) and the issue of the audit opinion.

You can read draft versions of the 2020/2021 Report & Accounts, with and without copies of Fund policies respectively, by clicking below.

Merseyside Pension Fund pledges to combat pension scams

Pension Pledge Shield

Merseyside Pension Fund has pledged to do what we can to protect scheme members and follow the principles of the Pension Scams Industry Group (PSIG) Code of Good Practice in so far as it applies to LGPS Funds.

Pledging to combat pension scams confirms our intent to protect our members and demonstrates that the Fund are committed to stopping scammers in their tracks.