Normal Pension Age

Normal Pension Age is linked to your State Pension Age for benefits built up from April 2014 (but with a minimum of age 65) and is the age at which you can take the pension you have built up in full.
If you choose to take your pension before your Normal Pension Age it will normally be reduced, as it's being paid earlier. If you take it later than your Normal Pension Age will be increased because it's being paid later.
You can use the State Pension calculator to find out your State Pension Age. However, this calculator does not include the proposed latest changes to State Pension Age announced by the Government.
Please remember that your State Pension Age may change in the future and this would also change your Normal Pension Age in the LGPS for benefits built up from April 2014. Once you start drawing your pension any subsequent change to your State Pension Age will not affect your Normal Pension Age in the LGPS.
If you were paying into the LGPS before 1 April 2014 your final salary benefits retain their protected Normal Pension Age - which for most is age 65.
However all pension benefits drawn on normal retirement must be taken at the same date i.e. you cannot separately draw your final salary benefits (built up before April 2014) at age 65 and your career average benefits (built up from April 2014) at your Normal Pension Age (which for your benefits built up from April 2014 is linked to your State Pension Age).