P60 certificates for 2012/2013 will be issued in May
Submitted by Administrator on April 3, 2013 - 9:58am
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The Fund will shortly issue a P60 certificate to everyone who received a pension from us in the 2012/2013 tax year. The P60 is a summary of your pension and tax details for the 2012/2013 tax year which ended on 5 April 2013, and will make up the lower half of your May 2013 payslip.
Please keep this safe as other organisations often ask to see it as a proof of earnings if you make a claim for a tax rebate or state benefits. We are unable to provide you with a duplicate copy if your original P60 goes astray.
If you wish to query any information contained on the P60, you should contact your local tax office. Regardless of where you worked and which tax office you had whilst working, the tax office that deals with the Fund is:
HM Revenue & Customs,
Liverpool – Riverside (Reference 428/M1)
Regian House,
James Street,
Liverpool L69 9DB
Tel: 0845 300 0627