Active Members' Annual Benefit Statements 2020

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Each year, Merseyside Pension Fund meets the statutory requirement to produce a Benefit Statement for those active members of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) as at 31 March of that year.
Registered Users of the Fund’s secure password-protected online website, 'MyPension', who were active members of the LGPS as at 31 March 2020, can now view their 2020 Active Members' Annual Benefit Statement online.
The figures quoted on the 2020 Annual Benefit Statement provide an illustration for members and are not legally binding on the Fund. The total amount of benefits which a member would receive on retirement may be different. Members should request a Benefit Estimate from their employer before making any decision to retire.
The questions and answers at the bottom of the page aim to help you access your 2020 Annual Statement in MyPension and understand the information contained within it.
While the Fund is required to produce Active Members’ Annual Benefit Statements by
Monday 31 August 2020, unfortunately, not all active members who may be expecting a 2020 Annual Statement, will be able to view one by that date. For more information, please click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I login to MyPension to view my 2020 Annual Statement?

If you have previously registered for MyPension and activated your account, you should login here.

I have logged into MyPension. Where can I find my 2020 Annual Statement?

When you login in to your 'MyPension' account, click 'Documents' on your dashboard. In the 'Documents' section, select 'My Documents' and then click on 'Active Annual Statement 2020' from the list displayed.

I have logged into MyPension but can't find 'Active Annual Statement 2020' in 'My Documents'

Unfortunately, some members who may be expecting a 2020 Active Members' Annual Statement in their 'MyPension' account by 31 August 2020, will either not receive one or experience a delay. Please click here for more information.

I am not a registered user of MyPension. How can I view my 2020 Annual Statement?

To be able to access your 2020 Active Members' Annual Statement, you will need to register for MyPension. To do this, please complete the online MyPension Activation Request here.