You left an employment after 31 March 2014 with an entitlement to a deferred benefit which is based on post 31 March 2014 membership (or on membership which is treated as post 31 March 2014 membership) only and have now re-joined the LGPS

You have re-joined the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) and you have previous deferred benefits in the LGPS. You therefore have a decision to make about what should happen to those deferred benefits.
Unless you tell us otherwise, the amount of pension in your deferred pension account will automatically be transferred and added into your new active pension account. However, you can elect to keep you deferred benefit separate and, if you wish to do so, this must be done within 12 months of re-joining the scheme and while you are still paying into the Scheme.
If you make an election to keep your benefits separate you cannot change your decision. If you do not make a decision within 12 months of re-joining the LGPS your deferred benefit will automatically be combined with your new active pension account.
Please note that your employer can extend the 12 month window within which you can elect to keep your benefits separate. However, this is an employer discretion and you would need to speak to your current employer if you wish to seek such an extension.