Regulatory Bodies

MoneyHelper (formerly The Pensions Advisory Service) is the easy way to get clear, free, impartial help for all your pension choices.
Telephone: 0800 011 3797
(where you can submit an online complaint form)
The Pensions Ombudsman (TPO)
The TPO deals only with pension complaints. It can help if you have a complaint or dispute about the administration and /or management of personal and occupational pension schemes. Some examples of the types of complaints it considers are (this list is not exhaustive):
automatic enrolment
benefits: including incorrect calculation, failure to pay or late payment
death benefits
failure to provide information or act on instructions
ill health
interpretation of scheme rules
misquote or misinformation
You have the right to refer your complaint to the TPO free of charge. There is no financial limit on the amount of money that TPO can make a party award you. Its determinations are legally binding on all parties and are enforceable in court.
Contact with the TPO about a complaint needs to be made within three years of when the event(s) you are complaining about happened – or, if later within three years of when you first knew about it (or ought to have known about it). There is a discretion for those time limits to be extended.
TPO can be contacted at:
10 South Colonnade
Canary Wharf
E14 4PU
Telephone: 0800 917 4487
Website: (where you can submit an online complaint form)
The Pensions Regulator (TPR)
This is the regulator of work-based pension schemes.
TPR has powers to protect members of work-based pension schemes and a wide range of powers to help put matters right, where needed.
In extreme cases, the regulator is able to fine trustees or employers, and remove trustees from a scheme.
Telephone: 0345 6007060