New employee contribution pay bands from 1 April 2025

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The contribution rate you pay in the LGPS is based on how much you are paid. The rate you pay depends on which pay band you fall into.
There are nine different pay bands with contribution rates ranging from 5.5% to 12.5% of your pensionable pay.
The following pay bands and contribution rates will apply in the main and 50/50 sections of the LGPS respectively from 1 April 2025 until 31 March 2026 (both dates inclusive):

Contribution Pay Bands 2025/2026

Pensionable Pay for an Employment Main section Gross Contribution 50/50 section Gross Contribution
£0 - £17,800 5.5% 2.75%
£17,801 - £28,000 5.8% 2.90%
£28,001 - £45,600 6.5% 3.25%
£45,601 - £57,700 6.8% 3.40%
£57,701 - £81,000 8.5% 4.25%
£81,001 - £114,800 9.9% 4.95%
£114,801 - £135,300 10.5% 5.25%
£135,301 - £203,000 11.4% 5.70%
£203,001 or more 12.5% 6.25%