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The menu for the website can be found in the header of the page and will contain links to every page within the site under logical and clear titles
Search facility
The search facility in the right-hand sidebar will usually provide the easiest, fastest way of locating information on our site. Type in your search phrase and click the 'Search' button.
Site map
The site map can be accessed through the link in the footer area of the page. The site map shows the layout the whole site. It lists every page on the site. Use the site map if you would like to find out more about how the website is structured.
"Breadcrumb trail"
At the top of each page on this site (except the home page) a "breadcrumb trail" provides links to all levels of the hierarchy above the current page location.
The breadcrumb trail shows the context of the current page. It helps users to understand the location of the current page. They can go directly to a higher level of the site if a similar page to the current one is wanted.