Local Government Pensions will increase by 1% in 2017
Submitted by Administrator on January 31, 2017 - 11:56am
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Local government pensions in payment are revalued each April, in line with the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) measure of price inflation recorded the previous September.
On 10 April 2017, local government pensions will increase by 1%. This increase is calculated in line with September 2016’s CPI inflation figure.
April’s pension payment will be a combination of two different annual rates. The first is the current rate that applies from the 1st of the month to the 9th; the second is the increased rate that applies from the 10th to the 30th. The full 1% pension increase will be applied in May’s pension payment.
If your pension began on or after 11 April 2016, you will receive a proportion of this year’s pension increase. This proportion will depend on how many months your pension has been in payment.
Like other public sector pension schemes, Merseyside Pension Fund is bound by the provisions of annual Review Orders issued by HM Treasury and has no discretion in applying your pension increase.
The State Pension will rise by 2.5%
The government has confirmed that the state pension will rise by 2.5% in April 2017, in line with its ‘triple lock’. The ‘triple lock’ guarantees that the increase payable from April will be the highest of three measures - CPI inflation, earnings or 2.5%.
From April, the full level of the new flat-rate state pension will increase from £155.65 to £159.55 per week. If you reached state pension age before 6 April 2016, the full rate of the old basic state pension will increase from £119.30 to £122.30 per week.
The government confirmed that it would keep its pledge to maintain the State Pension triple lock until 2020. However, in his Autumn Statement, the Chancellor of the Exchequer also warned that it could be cut in future due to rising longevity.