The link in my Step 3 email isn't working

When you sucessfully complete Step 2 of the process after receving an Activation email, you are:
re-directed to the 'Welcome to MyPension' homepage and
Immediately receive an email in your email inbox titled, 'Merseyside Pension Fund - Step 3 Completing your MyPension Registration'.
When you click the link in the second paragraph of this email, you should be taken to the 'Registration' screen.
This link contains a large number of characters and is automatically generated by the system. When accessing their mailbox on certain devices (e.g. some mobile phones) some users see the link broken over two lines and consequently an error message appears when clicked.
If this happens, please access your mailbox on a different device (e.g. desktop computer, tablet) and go into the email again and click the link which should then redirect you to the 'Registration' screen to complete the final stage of your activation: