Keeping content accurate

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We are continually reviewing our web pages and changing them to make sure they are accessible for all users. Our website is written in plain English and we try to use a written style that is straightforward and understandable.
We follow a list of accessibility guidelines when designing our website and content these include:
  • Maintain a standard layout and navigation system throughout
  • Allow visitors to resize all text
  • Use plain backgrounds to improve the readability of text
  • Use foreground and background colour combinations which have sufficient contrast and are not known to cause problems for sufferers of colour-blindness
  • Design layouts to work well at a range of screen resolutions
  • Ensure all hyperlinks use descriptive and meaningful text,
Merseyside Pension Fund welcomes any feedback that will help us improve our website.
Please use the online form opposite, 'Your Feedback' to send us any comments or suggestions that you would like to make.