I wish to access or obtain a copy of my personal data

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You have a right to access and obtain a copy of the personal data that we hold about you and to ask us to correct your personal data if there are any errors or it is out of date. 
You can make a Subject Access Request (SAR) in the following ways:
Post: Data Protection Officer, Merseyside Pension Fund, Castle Chambers, 43 Castle Street, Liverpool L2 9SH
Merseyside Pension Fund will act on your SAR without undue delay and at the latest within one month of receipt. The Fund will calculate the time limit from the day after it receives the request (whether the day after is a working day or not) until the corresponding calendar date in the next month.
It is important that you provide as much personal information as possible when making a SAR to establish your identity. This will prevent us having to request more information and minimise the delay in responding to your request.
If the Fund processes a large amount of information about you, it can ask you for more information to clarify your request. Merseyside Pension Fund will only ask for information that it reasonably needs to find the personal data covered by your request.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) does not prevent an individual making a SAR via a third party e.g. a solicitor. In these cases, the Fund needs to be satisfied that the third party making the request is entitled to act on behalf of the individual, however it will be the third party’s responsibility to provide evidence of this entitlement. This might be a written authority to make the request, or it might be a more general power of attorney.

More Information

You can obtain further information about these rights from the Information Commissioner’s Office at: www.ico.org.uk or via their telephone helpline on 0303 123 1113.