The 85-year rule

If you were a member of the LGPS at any time between 1 April 1998 and 30 September 2006, you may be protected under the 85-year rule.
You satisfy the 85-year rule when your age and length of LGPS membership add up to 85. Your age and Scheme membership are both measured in full years for this purpose. If you work part time, your membership counts towards the 85-year rule at its full calendar length.
The 85-year rule will apply if you are over age 60 when you retire. If you fully retire between age 55 and 60, the 85-year rule will not automatically apply and your benefits will be reduced. Your employer can choose to allow the 85-year rule to apply. This is a discretion. You can ask your employer about their policy on this.
If you take flexible retirement, the 85-year rule will apply to the benefits you have built up to the date you first take flexible retirement, even if you are under 60. The 85-year rule will not protect any benefits you build up after you first take flexible retirement.
What the 85-year rule means for you depends on your age, the date you meet the 85-year and the date you take your LGPS benefits. If you are protected:
and you take your benefits after you satisfy the 85-year rule, some or all of your benefits will be paid without reduction
and you take your benefits before you satisfy the 85-year rule, your benefits will be reduced but the early payment reduction will be lower than the normal reduction that applies to a member who is not protected.
The rules governing how the 85-year rule works and the level of protection you will get are complex. If you are thinking of retiring, you should contact your employer for an estimate of the benefits you will be entitled to. If you are thinking about flexible retirement, you should contact your employer to check their policies on flexible retirement.