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Deferred Benefits letter dated 22 August 2022 - Frequently asked Questions

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Who are Merseyside Pension Fund?

The Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) is administered locally by 86 local pension funds in England and Wales. Merseyside Pension Fund administers the LGPS in the area that you work, or if you have left the LGPS, where you used to work.

We administer the LGPS in the Merseyside region for current, former and retired members.

Why have you written to me?

You received this letter because you have 'Deferred' pension benefits in the LGPS, but at the time of writing have not registered for MyPension, our secure online facility which allows us to keep in touch with members regarding their pension benefits, and allows Deferred Members to view their Annual Benefit Statements when they are published each year.

What are are 'deferred' pension benefits referred to in the letter?

The deferred pension benefits referred to in the letter, relate to a former membership of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS).

When you ended that membership (either by opting out of the LGPS or by leaving your employment) you retained 'deferred' or 'frozen' benefits held with Merseyside Pension Fund.

When can I draw these deferred pension benefits?

You can choose to take your your deferred pension benefits at any time between age 55 and 75. You may be able to take them earlier if you are too ill to work. 

You can read more information about deferred benefits here.

I am having problems activating my account after signing up to 'MyPension'

Please click here if you are having problems registering to use 'MyPension' or activating your online account.