Data Protection

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Under the provisions of the UK Data Protection Act 1998, and from 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Merseyside Pension Fund has a duty to protect the personal data it processes and to inform members about how their data is managed and used.
You have a right to acess and obtain a copy of the personal data that we hold about you and to ask us to correct your pwesonal data if there are any errors or is out of date.

Your right to access

You can request access to your personal data by using the form at the bottom of this page, via email to: or in writing as detailed below.
Once a request is received the Fund it will have 30 calendar days in which to respond to your request. In some cases, where there is a large amount of information, the Fund may need to contact you to extend the timeframe for a response. A full explanation of the reasons for the required extension will be provided and you will be given the opportunity to reduce or specify the information you are seeking.  
The Fund will review all records held about you by the Fund, this may be across a number of different pension records, should you hold separate pension accounts and clarification may be sought from you about the information you are seeking.
Once the Fund has collated all the information it will provide the information in the manner requested, either by email or by post. If you require hard copies in the post, these will be sent be secure recorded delivery to the address held on record. We are unable to send the documents to another address apart from professional advisors where permission has been given.