Can I join the LGPS?

The Local Government Pension Scheme is offered by local government employers and by other organisations that have chosen to participate in it.
To be able to join the LGPS you need to be under age 75 and work for an employer that offers membership of the Scheme. If you are employed by a designating body, such as a town or parish council, or by a non-local government organisation which participates in the LGPS (an admission body), you can only join if your employer nominates you for membership of the Scheme.
Police officers, operational firefighters and, in general, teachers and employees eligible to join another statutory pension scheme (such as the NHS Pension Scheme) are not allowed to join the LGPS.
If you start a job in which you are eligible for membership of the LGPS you will be brought into the Scheme, if your contract of employment is for 3 months or more.
If it is for less than 3 months and you are, or during that period become, an Eligible Jobholder, you will be brought into the Scheme from the automatic enrolment date (unless your employer issues you with a postponement notice to delay bringing you into the Scheme for up to a maximum of 3 months) or, if you are, or become, an Eligible Jobholder or your contract is extended to be for 3 months or more, or you opt to join by completing an election form (PDF), you will be brought into the Scheme from the beginning of the pay period after the one in which your contract is extended or you opt to join.
How do I ensure that I have become a member of the LGPS?
On joining the LGPS, relevant records and a pension account (for each employment in the Scheme, if you have more than one) will be set up and an official notification of your membership of the LGPS will be sent to you.
You should check your payslip to make sure that pension contributions are being deducted by your employer.