Activating your MyPension Account with an Activation Email

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An activation email will be sent to your 'Personal Email Address' within 5 working days of your MyPension Activation Request.
This email will be appear in your email inbox from 'MPF MyPension' entitled, 'Merseyside Pension Fund - Step 2 Activate your MyPension Account'.
When you open this email you will see information about how to complete Step 2 of this process. 
You will be prompted to go to and input personal information into the following fields:

MyPension screen capture

  • Surname
  • NI Number  (Your National Insurance Number must be formatted correctly - two prefix letters, six digits, and one suffix letter. For Example: AB123456C. Please do NOT input empty spaces between each character typed).
  • Date of Birth (Your Date of Birth must be formatted correctly – ddmm/yyyy. Please do NOT input empty spaces between each character typed).
  • E-mail Address (Your E-mail Address must be formatted correctly and match the one you typed and re-entered on your  ‘MyPension Activation Request’).
  • Please then click, ‘Submit’
If any of these personal details are input incorrectly, incorrectly formatted or don’t match those held on your pension record, you will see an error message on screen and you must complete each field again before attempting to submit.
When you submit this information correctly, you will be re-directed to the 'Welcome to MyPension' homepage
MyPension screen capture

AND you will also receive an email at your registered email inbox entitled, 'Merseyside Pension Fund - Step 3 Completing your MyPension Registration'

When you click the link in the second paragraph of this email, you will be taken to the 'Registration' screen:
On this final registration screen, you must create a 'Username' and 'Password'. 
Please Note:
When you create a 'Username' in Step 3 it must be between 6 and 30 characters in length and can only contain letters and numbers (e.g. sammy667)
When you create a 'Password' in Step 3 it must be between 8 and 13 characters in length and must include at least one numeric (0-9), one lower case (a-z), one upper case (A-Z), and one special character ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ (e.g. Diamond67*)
Please do not reuse passwords, for your own personal security you should use a password that is unique to MyPension and not one you use on other websites.
You must also set your Security Questions as these will form part of your subsequent login to MyPension.
Click 'Register' to complete your registration. This completes the activation and registration process for MyPension.
You should now be able to login to MyPension using the Username, Password and Security Questions which you have just created.