Pensions Committee: Vacancy for Non-district Employers representative

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A conference tableWirral Council is the administering authority of the Merseyside Pension Fund. Under its Constitution, the council has delegated to Pensions Committee all those non-Executive functions vested in it as an administering authority of the Local Government Pension Scheme.
The Pensions Committee is comprised of fifteen voting members; ten of whom are members of Wirral Council, four members from the other local authorities and one member representing the other employing organisations in the Fund.
There is a vacancy for the role of Committee member representing non-district council employers within the Fund and we are seeking nominations from relevant employers.
Unfortunately, nominations cannot be accepted from employers with transferee body status, or from the local authorities that are already represented on Committee.
If more than one suitable nomination is received, the vacancy will be filled by means of a ballot with each of the relevant employers having one vote. Details of nominations and any ballot will be issued as soon as possible after the closing date.

How often does the Committee meet?
The Pensions Committee meet four times per year and typically take place of an evening at Birkenhead Town Hall, commencing at 6pm. Members of the Committee are also asked to attend sub-groups and are invited to attend a number of training events held during the year. 
To gain more of an understanding of meeting agendas and associated topics please click here, and for more information on the Fund's governance framework please view the Governance Policy linked below.
The non-district committee member will serve for a term of four years before being required to stand for re-election.

Nominations are now invited
If your organisation wishes to make a nomination, please complete the form below with details of one nominee, giving a brief description of the person's role within your organisation and any relevant experience.  A précis of this information will be included on ballot papers if necessary.
  • Please download and complete the Nomination form which you can open by clicking the document below
  • Please save the completed form, choose File > Save As and rename the file
  • Please return the form by email to: by 11:59pm on Sunday 14 January 2024.